RUMOUR - If Days Gone 2 Is Cancelled, That Really Sucks

The bumpy road.   By Jay Tee 13/04/21

The bumpy road.

By Jay Tee

Whether it’s presented as an insider scoop, unintended leak, or just good old fashioned investigative journalism, the report that Days Gone 2 was pitched to, and ultimately passed on, by Sony is hugely disappointing, at a time where PR for PlayStation hasn’t exactly been on a blazing hot streak of late.

If everything in Bloomberg’s in depth coverage turns out to be true, it paints a slightly bleak picture of Sony’s first party development at a time when the company has enjoyed phenomenal success with PlayStation 4, and a fantastic launch for the still very much in demand PlayStation 5.

Days Gone may not have been a 10/10 (and, quite frankly, not everything has to be), but it was an earnest and highly enjoyable open world adventure. Sony Bend did a great job producing an ambitious new IP after years of being primarily a handheld game developer, so I’d say they deserve a second shot.


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